jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

The Master letters

Reading Emily Dickinson's biography I found that there was a whole mystery surrounding "the Master letters". The Master letters is a set of three letters that were written between 1858 and 1861that were addressed to a "Master".
According to the author of "The Master letters" the letters indicate "a long relationship, geographically apart, in which correspondence would be the primary means of communication". The identity of the Master is unknown if they were addressed to a man, but some candidates are the Reverend Charles Wadsworth, Samuel Bowles a friend of Dickinson's family, and the publisher and editor of the "Springfield Republican", or a professor named William Smith Clarke.

It called my attention Emily Dickinson's writing, her word games, her particular writing style with the dashes and the replacement of words (that sometimes changes the whole sense of a verse or stanza). I really like her writing, the topics and the way they are written, as we can see in the letters, her poetry is full of incomprehensible passion.


 oh- did I offend it-
Did'nt it want me
to tell it the truth
Daisy- Daisy- offend it- who
bends her smaller life to
his (it's)(,) meeker (lower) every day-
who only asks- a task-
Who something to do for
love of it- some little way
she cannot guess to make
that master glad-

Second letter

There are too many things to say about this letters, the one that was more attractive for me was the writing itself, how much is she able to transmit and how difficult it is to explain what I feel when I read it.

What can you say about this mystery, or the letters? To whom do you think these letters are written? What are your interpretations of the Master letters?

In this website you can read the three Master letters.

The Master letters

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