Black mirror is a British TV series in which it is shown how technology has affected our life in socity in an exagerated but not completely improbable way. It is described as a "real life dystopian horror movie".
The first episode is called "The National Anthem". A terrorist threat spread in a video in youtube, the Princess of England was kidnapped by someone who was asking the PM to "make it" with a pig in nationwide broadcasting with a series of requirements in order to set the Princess free. At the end of the chapter, the PM was on nationwide broadcast with the pig, the whole nation was expecting the show but then it was not funny at all, the Princess was found in a bridge, she was released 30 minutes before the broadcasting, and the kidnapper hang himself n his place.
I related ths episode with the kidnapping of Lewis Prothero, the voice of fate. Prothero was "tortured" by V, and the Pm was obliged to do so, torturing himself so as to fulfill the expectations of the population. Without Prothero, the government would have had several problems with the social order, demonstrations, riots, and so on.
In a so technologyc society as ours, it is much easier to be an "annonymous terrorist", only uploading a video in a socialnetwork threatening a public figure and chaos is on. The influence of socialnetwroks and digital platforms that spread information, and the globalwide character of internet, fosters the "rebelion", everyone can be hear, even though there is censure on TV or Newspapers, internet is free.
At the end, we all can be the terrorist, everyone can be V
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